A- apple - pretend to take a big bite out of it
B- ball - bounce a ball with one of your hands
C -cat - form your fingers on one hand into the letter C and claw like a cat
D - dog - use both hands to clap together to be a dog barking
E- elephant - use your arm, place it near your nose and act like it is an elephant trunk
F - frog- jump around like a frog
G - ghost - put your hands out like a ghost and make the /g/ sound in an eerie way
H - hot - fan yourself with one hand as if you are sweating
I - itchy - scratch all over your body
J - jump rope - self explanatory I hope :)
K- kick- pretend to kick a soccer ball
L- loly pop- pretend to hold a loly pop and lick it, which works well to teach children to use their tongue for this sound
M- monkey- alternate a hand on your head and one on your side itchy like a monkey
N- No - shake your pointer finger from side to side
O - octopus - move your arms around quickly to try and make it look like you have 8 tentacles
P - penguin - with arms down by your sides, extend your hands outward from the wrist and waddle
Q - queen - use both hands straight up on top of your head to make a crown
R - run - run in place
S - snake - use your two fingers as if they are snake tongue and slither your body side to side
T - time - point to your wrist as if you are late on a watch
U - ugly face - fun for kids to do this one as the song is getting long, so they just make crazy faces while making the /u/ sound
V - violin- play an imaginary one
W - washing hands
X - X - make an X across your body
Y - yo yo- place your two fingers in the shape of a V so it makes the letter Y if you include your arm, and drop and up a yo-yo
Z - zipper - pretend to zip up your shirt
Hi Shannon!
I just found your fabulous blog via Pinterest!I couldn't find the Storybook Alphabet post that I downloaded from Scribd here on your blog, but I wanted to tell you how awesome they were! I shared the link from Pinterest on my FB fan page and I'd love to link up with you there too, but I didn't see a facebook link!Never the less, I wanted to let you know anyway! :) The fans will LOVE them as well!
Here is my link to the page:
Pop over sometime and say hello! Thanks again for your extra hard work!
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