A co-worker of mine showed me this super cute hat that I am sure is out and about on the internet, but just wanted to share it here. I made a two pieces that go on the hat so ya'll can download it at the bottom.
Take a look to see this adorable Abraham Lincoln hat... oh yah and their adorable silly faces!
What you'll need:
*One sheet of black construction paper (per kid)
-cut a strip about 2" length wise for the horizontal piece of hat
-the other portion is the height to the hat
*A circle of black paper with an inner circle cut out
-the black circle ends up being a beard (the circle doesn't need to be that big as you can tell by my mistake looking at the picture
* Paper reproducible penny
* Paper reproducible words for the brim
Here are all the pieces laid out on my floor
- Have students glue all the pieces together
- They color the penny brown
- Glue "Abraham Lincoln is on the penny" to the brim

To attach turn this into a wearable hat, attach a sentence strip to the back and staple it closed around the back of their heads! Enjoy!