Tuesday, March 8, 2011

No tricks up my sleeves... plenty in my hat!

  If a particular content unit isn't striking my fancy to create a math game out of, I go to the next best thing.... what my students are obsessed with! This year I have quite a few munchkins who are very into magic so I made a basic addition game with a magical twist!

  - 24 hats with numbers on it
  - 2 different kind of recording sheets (high / low)

Ways to play:
  I will be prefacing this lesson/game by talking about how magician's are known to pull some pretty cool things out of their hats, especially cute little while rabbits. Originally in this document I included like 30 mini white rabbits as manipulatives, but then I thought hmmmm Kindergarten... this could be too much! Hats, rabbits, recording, ahhh! For you all if your kiddos can handle it feel free to just dye cut a bunch of white circles and tell your kids they are white rabbits.
  So the game starts with a student picking out 2 hats (you could print in color and laminate, or you could print black and white and they could glue the actual hats down) and figuring out the answer. For my students who rely heavily on drawing a picture to find the answer I would use the recording sheet where they have room to draw as well as record their answer. For your students who are ready for non count by one strategies they can use the recording sheet that just asks them to write the addition sentence.

 Happy magical addition!


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