Saturday, May 14, 2011

Ms. Dakota part 2

  Between getting feedback from one of our wonderful resource staff members and from a first grade teacher at my school, I thought a blend activity would be great to upload today. Ms.Dakota is all the time running around the school to pick up individual sweet-n-low students from various classes... all that time in the hallway could be lost instructional time... but not with Ms. Dakota! She flashes some vowel pattern cards such as "ee" "oo" etc. She requested that I make a new set of cards to work on beginning blends, so here we are!

Each page has 4 sets that have the blend on one side and a graphic and word on the other. The way I envision prepping this is to laminate the entire page, then cut the horizontal strips, fold, and then glue so that Fl is on one side and Flag is on the other. You could just keep these on cards or punch a hole in them all and create a flip ring. Enjoy! Let me know if there are other ideas out there that you'd like made into these kind of flip cards.

Beginning Blend Cards


weety said...

These are GREAT!!! Thanks for sharing them. One idea/suggestion--could you repost them with the lowercase blends as well?

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