Friday, April 15, 2011

Plant Journal

 Honestly, you can't teach plants without actually planting them.... well at least not in Kindergarten anyways! Some of my student's background knowledge is limited and I even have a student I had to have literally go touch grass outside to be able to read the word in a book. So since we are all planting some plants I figured I'd share my recording journal! Every few days I'll be putting this out for morning work and the students are to go observe changes in their plant, write about it, and illustrate it.

Front Cover and Back Cover (just copy one for each kiddo and fold it in half around the next pages):

Middle pages (print two copies of this and then make it double sided- photo copy as many pages as days you think you'll want to do this journal for)



Angelia said...

I just found your blog and you have some AMAZING resources on here! Thanks so much for sharing all of this great stuff!

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